La Journée mondiale de la santé mentale est célébrée le 10 octobre de chaque année, dans le but de sensibiliser aux problèmes de santé mentale et de développer les efforts en faveur de la santé mentale. Cette année, la Journée mondiale de la santé mentale est célébrée alors que la pandémie de COVID-19 modifie considérablement… Read More

Der Welttag der psychischen Gesundheit wird jedes Jahr am 10. Oktober mit dem Ziel begangen, das Bewusstsein für Probleme der psychischen Gesundheit weltweit zu schärfen und die Bemühungen zur Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit zu aktivieren. Der diesjährige Welttag der psychischen Gesundheit fällt in eine Zeit, in der sich unser tägliches Leben im Lichte der COVID-19-Pandemie… Read More

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th each year with the  aim of raising awareness of mental health problems worldwide and activating efforts in support of mental health. This year’s World Mental Health Day comes at a time when our daily lives have changed significantly in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The… Read More

We are happy to announce the launch of 3 new yoga programs in the new version of Gotta Joga (3.23 iOS and 1.14 Android). Remember to update your app to gain access to these new yoga programs: Chair yoga with Anu Visuri. 2 new yoga classes for those of you with sensible articulations or who… Read More

Nous sommes ravies d’annoncer le lancement de 2 nouveaux programmes de yoga dans la nouvelle version de Gotta Joga (3.23 pour iOS et 1.14 pour Android). N’oubliez pas de mettre à jour votre application pour avoir accès à ces nouveaux programmes : Yoga avec une chaise, avec Anu Visuri. Ces 2 nouveaux cours de yoga… Read More

  Siamo lieti di annunciare il lancio di 3 nuovi programmi di yoga nella nuova versione di Gotta Joga (3.23 iOS e 1.14 Android). Ricordatevi di aggiornare la vostra app per accedere a questi nuovi programmi di yoga: Introduzione al vinyasa yoga con Valentina Amato.  In questo programma imparerete le basi del vinyasa yoga muovendovi… Read More

INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2020 On June 21st of each year the International Yoga Day is celebrated. This year millions of people will meet in the web for what could become the biggest virtual gathering. The theme for the year 2020 could only be: yoga at home and yoga with the family. With yoga studios and… Read More

GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLO YOGA 2020 Il 21 Giugno di ogni anno si celebra la Giornata Mondiale dello Yoga e quest’anno milioni di persone si incontreranno sul web per quello che potrebbe diventare il più grande raduno virtuale. Il tema di quest’anno 2020 non poteva che essere: yoga a casa e yoga con la famiglia. Con… Read More