Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, per molte persone, la giornata continua con diversi compiti a casa: cucinare, pulire, prendersi cura dei bambini, ecc. E, quando finalmente è ora di andare a letto, non si riesce a dormire, perché tutte le cose che sono successe durante il giorno, sono ancora nella tua testa. La pratica… Read More
Après une longue journée de travail, pour beaucoup d’entre nous, le « travail » continue à la maison : faire à manger, faire le ménage, s’occuper des enfants, etc. Et quand il est finalement l’heure d’aller au lit, nous n’arrivons pas à nous endormir, parce que nous pensons encore à tout ce qui s’est passé… Read More
Nach einem langen Arbeitstag geht für die meisten von uns der Abend mit verschiedenen Aufgaben zu Hause weiter: Kochen, Putzen, Kinder betreuen usw. Und wenn es dann endlich Zeit ist, ins Bett zu fallen, können wir nicht einschlafen, weil all die Dinge, die während des Tages passiert sind, noch in unserem Kopf rumoren. Gotta Joga… Read More
Pitkän työpäivän jälkeen, meillä monilla päivä jatkuu kotona erilaisten askareiden parissa: ruoanlaitossa, siivoamisessa, lastenhoidossa jne. Ja kun on vihdoin aika mennä nukkumaan, unen saanti on vaikeaa, koska päivän tapahtumat pyörivät yhä ajatuksissa. Gotta Jogan Ilta Jooga Harjoitus “Rento ja Maadoitettu” Gotta Jogan Ilta jooga harjoitukset rauhoittavat ruumiin ja mielen. Ne sisältävät istuvia ja makaavia kiertoliikkeitä… Read More
After a long day at work, for many people, the day continues with different tasks at home: cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, etc. And, when it is finally time to go to bed, you can’t get any sleep, because all the things that happened during the day, still are lodging in your head.… Read More
Yoga to learn to know yourself – my name is Anu Visuri. I was born in Finland and now I am living in Munich, Germany. I have studied languages and pedagogy at the University of Turku in Finland. When I finished my studies I started to work as a language teacher in the middle school.… Read More
„Nothing is more certain than the present and that’s why we need to live in the moment“, my grandmother once said to me. This is easier said than done. We all experienced our thoughts dwelling in the past, in a time we now think was “the best time of our lives”. Or our mind wondering… Read More
We were in the news in Lyon Metronews 17th January 2014. A nice article telling about our project: yoga application from the north. Are you interested? – follow us on Facebook to hear the latest news.!N34HM9rtKBL2/… Read More