Célébrez la Journée internationale de l’amitié avec Gotta Joga le 30 juillet ! La Journée internationale de l’amitié a été proclamée en 2011 par l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies pour rappeler que l’amitié entre les peuples, les pays, les cultures et les individus inspire les efforts de paix et offre l’occasion de jeter des ponts… Read More

Il 30 Luglio celebra la Giornata Internazionale dell’Amicizia con Gotta Joga! La Giornata internazionale dell’amicizia è stata proclamata nel 2011 dall’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite con l’idea che l’amicizia tra i popoli, i paesi, le culture e gli individui può ispirare gli sforzi di pace e costruire ponti tra le comunità. In occasione della Giornata… Read More

Feiere den Internationalen Tag der Freundschaft zusammen mit Gotta Joga am 30. Juli! Der Internationale Tag der Freundschaft wurde im 2011 von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen mit der Idee ausgerufen, dass Freundschaft zwischen Menschen, Ländern, Kulturen und Individuen Friedensbemühungen inspirieren und Brücken zwischen Gemeinschaften bauen kann. Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Freundschaft ermutigt die… Read More

Celebrate International Day of Friendship with Gotta Joga on July 30th! The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the General Assembly of the United Nations with the idea that friendship between people, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. On the occasion of the International Day of… Read More

gotta joga yoga app psychologies magazine

A l’occasion de la sortie du hors-série du magazine Psychologies sur le yoga, Gotta Joga et Psychologies s’associent afin de vous offrir une expérience du yoga encore plus riche. Au cours de cette collaboration, nous avons le plaisir de vous fournir des articles de Psychologies autour du yoga. Ceux-ci seront accessibles dans l’application à la… Read More

gotta joga yoga app apple iphone morning yoga

Why practise yoga in the morning? Gotta Joga’s morning practice gives you the best start for the day. The poses in the sequence provide you with an energy boost, which keeps you going all day long. Most of the poses in this sequence are inversions, like downward facing dog and forward bend. That means that your head is… Read More

Karen, Gotta Joga user from Knoxville, Tennesee USA My name is Karen Armsey and I live in Knoxville, Tennessee USA. I turned 50 this year, and I do yoga because it is making me a better Karen. I know that with the help of Gotta Joga, I feel better in my skin, my bones don’t… Read More

in English, auf deutsch, en français, suomeksi. English: The current version of Gotta Joga app has yoga practices for getting started with your own yoga practice in the morning, day and evening. Now it’s time we start working on some new yoga classes for you! Let us know what you would like and win a Yoga Box. Comment… Read More