Je m’appelle Demonas, j’ai 17 ans, je vis a Lyon, et je suis en classe de prémière en SEN (système électronique numérique) au lycée Jacques de Flesselles. Je faisait du foot en club, et j’ai arreté y’a deux ans. Stagiaire chez GOTTA JOGA, on m’a proposé de faire du yoga,c’était la première fois que je… Read More
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Aujourd’hui on va vous faire découvrir des aspects des pays scandinaves(que vous connaissez peut être déjà) à travers 45 petites anecdotes. Suède 1) La Suède est le 3ème plus grand pays de l’UE en superficie (après la France et l’Espagne). 2) Les Suédois ont les plus faibles inégalité de revenus au… Read More
Feel like relaxing by one of the 180 000 Finnish lakes ? Or going to music festivals in Denmark? How about jumping into a hot spring Iceland? Participating socially like the Swedes? Enjoy wealth and fjords of Norway? Scandinavian countries have some of the happiest people in the world according to World’s Happiness Report made for the 3rd… Read More
Bonnes résolutions Où sont passées vos bonnes résolutions pour la nouvelle année ? On s’y remet ! Bientôt février… Après un premier mois plein d’entrain à suivre à la lettre vos bonnes résolutions de 2015, où en êtes-vous à présent ? Difficile de tenir sur le long terme, surtout lorsque (comme chaque année) la liste s’allonge : Sport 3… Read More
Birds are in the background of Gotta Joga yoga practices. We like to practice yoga with eyes closed. Birds bring us back to nature, taking our thoughts away from the closed room we might be in. Listening to birds or other voices of the nature helps us relax, concentrate and meditate. Focus our mind on… Read More
A dear child has many names. So does snow in the Finnish language. Early snowing coming in October in the southern parts of the country and staying until the end of April makes snow a welcome and light companion for the dark part of the year. We found this infographic from ( Lumi and Pyry… Read More
Winter lasts almost 6 months in Scandinavia. First snow falls often in October and stays until beginning of May. We have been innovative to make these long cold and dark months fun and staying happy until the lighter season reveals the nature and our true nature. What is Winter SAD? Winter SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).… Read More
Sounds like a paradox, right? But, when you really think about the message of this saying, it does make a lot of sense. We human beings have wishes and targets we would like to make true and achieve in our lives. But when we stubbornly struggle to get that what we want, the life often… Read More
22.3.2014 – World Water Day When I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth and rinse with water. I go to the kitchen and make me a cup of hot ginger water and drink it. Then I go to the toilet and afterwards I flush. I also wash my hands with water. In… Read More