We received a question from our user regarding the sitting forward bend. We would like to share the response of our yoga teacher Anu Visuri with all of you. QUESTION: I am (still) very stiff and in the sitting forward bend have trouble in bending forward (if at all). I am already sitting on… Read More
In dieser Position konzentrieren sich die meisten auf das obere Bein und versuchen, es ganz durchzustrecken. Tatsächlich ist das untere Bein viel wichtiger als das gestreckte Bein! Lass uns das untere Bein genauer anschauen. Du solltest versuchen, das untere Bein auf dem Boden zu lassen, indem Du Dein Schambein vom Bauchnabel wegziehst. Halte den… Read More
Tässä asennossa monet meistä keskittyvät vain ylhäällä olevan jalan venyttämiseen ja suoristamiseen. Todellisuudessa alla oleva jalka on paljon kiinnostavampi kuin yläjalka! Katsotaanpa alajalkaa tarkemmin. Yritä pitää maassa oleva jalka ja varsinkin sen takareisi maassa liikuttamalla häpyluutasi navasta alaspäin. Pidä vatsasi tiukkana. Tämä liike saa aikaan alaselkään pitkän luonnollisen kaaren, joka taas mahdollistaa lantion asettuvan… Read More
Dans cette posture, nous nous concentrons parfois sur la jambe du haut, et essayons de la tendre le plus possible. En fait, la jambe au sol est beaucoup plus intéressante que la jambe levée ! Parlons de cette jambe du bas ! Nous devrions essayer de garder la jambe contre le sol, en éloignant notre… Read More
In this pose people often concentrate on the top leg and try to straighten it all the way. In fact the bottom leg is much more interesting than the top leg! Let’s take a closer look at that bottom leg. You should try to keep the bottom leg, i.e. the hamstring, on the floor by… Read More
Why practise yoga in the morning? Gotta Joga’s morning practice gives you the best start for the day. The poses in the sequence provide you with an energy boost, which keeps you going all day long. Most of the poses in this sequence are inversions, like downward facing dog and forward bend. That means that your head is… Read More
We have created a small yoga box with essentials for getting started with your practice. Nous avons créé une boite de yoga pour nos amis pour commencer avec leur pratique. Wir haben einen Yoga Box für unseren Freunden gemacht. The Gotta Joga yoga block is hand-made out of lime tree wood. It was created for us by… Read More
„Nothing is more certain than the present and that’s why we need to live in the moment“, my grandmother once said to me. This is easier said than done. We all experienced our thoughts dwelling in the past, in a time we now think was “the best time of our lives”. Or our mind wondering… Read More