gotta joga yoga app apple iphone evening meditation sleep well

After a long day at work, for many people, the day continues with different tasks at home: cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, etc. And, when it is finally time to go to bed, you can’t get any sleep, because all the things that happened during the day, still are lodging in your head.… Read More

gotta joga yoga app apple iphone morning yoga

Why practise yoga in the morning? Gotta Joga’s morning practice gives you the best start for the day. The poses in the sequence provide you with an energy boost, which keeps you going all day long. Most of the poses in this sequence are inversions, like downward facing dog and forward bend. That means that your head is… Read More

Karen, Gotta Joga user from Knoxville, Tennesee USA My name is Karen Armsey and I live in Knoxville, Tennessee USA. I turned 50 this year, and I do yoga because it is making me a better Karen. I know that with the help of Gotta Joga, I feel better in my skin, my bones don’t… Read More

reverse warrior ii gotta joga yoga app apple iphone

Dear yogis and yoginis Many of our friends and users have been asking for a yoga practice list within the Gotta Joga app. If you are unsure about which program to start with when first doing your travel or home practice with Gotta Joga, we have made a list of 10 yoga practices that you can use to get… Read More

reclining big toe pose with strap

source picture : Version Française sur la Sangle de yoga : Nous allons maintenant vous parlez d’un autre accessoire de yoga …. La Sangle de yoga ! Le but de cet accessoire rejoint beaucoup les atouts du bloc, en effet il permet le confort, une meilleure aisance dans la réalisation des poses en fournissant la… Read More

sonia jumps in finland summer for gotta joga yoga app

Hello there I would like to share you some of our best moments during the holidays in Finland. We were there in July when it was not super hot, yet nice to swim, play and practice yoga outside as well as enjoy the berries and other fresh food from the nature. 1. Strawberries (raspberries, blueberries and cloudberries too) You… Read More

Ich heiße Diana Hillebrand, bin freie Autorin und Dozentin für Kreatives Schreiben und wohne mit meiner Familie in München. Ich habe etwas gesucht, mit dem ich meinen Stress kompensieren kann. Ich suchte etwas, dass mir körperlich hilft, weil das viele Sitzen nicht wirklich guttut, vor allem suchte ich aber etwas, was mir innere Ruhe und… Read More

in English, auf deutsch, en français, suomeksi. English: The current version of Gotta Joga app has yoga practices for getting started with your own yoga practice in the morning, day and evening. Now it’s time we start working on some new yoga classes for you! Let us know what you would like and win a Yoga Box. Comment… Read More