Wenn Du ein Wintermensch bist und den Wintersport liebst, dann ist das hier für Dich: Egal, ob du auf Skifahren, Snowboarden, Eislaufen, Schneeschulaufen oder Langlauf stehst – Yoga hilft dir dabei, mehr aus deinen Aktivitäten im Winterwunderland zu machen. Yoga stärkt deine Mitte und dein Gleichgewicht, aber auch dein Bewusstsein und deinen Fokus.… Read More
Si vous aimez les sports d’hiver, cet article est pour vous ! Que votre passion soit le ski, le snowboard, le ski de fond, les balades en raquettes, le yoga vous aidera à profiter encore plus de vos activités et des merveilles de l’hiver. Votre pratique du yoga vous aidera à renforcer votre centre,… Read More
Jos olet talvi-ihminen ja rakastat talviurheilua, tämä kirjoitus on sinua varten! Ei väliä onko intohimosi sitten laskettelu, lumilautailu, luistelu, lumikenkäily tai murtomaahiihto, jooga auttaa sinua saamaan enemmän irti talven ihmemaasta. Jooga vahvistaa keskivartaloasi ja parantaa tasapainoasi. Se myös kehittää huomiokykyä ja keskittymistä, ominaisuuksia, jotka auttavat tekemään lumisista hetkistä ainutlaatuisia, joka ikinen kerta. Aloitetaan… Read More
If you are a winter person and love to do winter sports, this is for you! No matter if your passion is skiing, snowboarding, skating, snowshoeing or cross-country skiing, yoga will help you get more out of your activities in the winter wonderland. It will strengthen your core and balance, but also your… Read More
During the last few months, we have received many yoga pictures from you, dear users of Gotta Joga app, our fans from Instagram and Facebook as well as ourselves the makers of Gotta Joga. Hope that you had great vacations and feel your batteries loaded and mind rested for the months to come! In this to share some… Read More
5 bonnes raisons de faire du running quand on est un yogi (fr) Les jours se rallongent, la lumière du soleil commence à se réchauffer, et l’appel du running se fait de plus en plus fort. Il est temps de ressortir ses baskets pour aller courir ! Et de découvrir votre ville sous un autre… Read More
Ever been in Lapland? Reindeers are a common view on the road anywhere north of the polar circle. They might appear as wild, running around in in big groups. Actually reindeers are domestic animals, even if not very tame, that are all marked on their ear indicating the owner. Twice a year the reindeer are… Read More
Hello there I would like to share you some of our best moments during the holidays in Finland. We were there in July when it was not super hot, yet nice to swim, play and practice yoga outside as well as enjoy the berries and other fresh food from the nature. 1. Strawberries (raspberries, blueberries and cloudberries too) You… Read More
Birds are in the background of Gotta Joga yoga practices. We like to practice yoga with eyes closed. Birds bring us back to nature, taking our thoughts away from the closed room we might be in. Listening to birds or other voices of the nature helps us relax, concentrate and meditate. Focus our mind on… Read More