Are you spending a lot of time sitting? Are you doing sports like running or cycling? These may cause tightness in your hips.  Tight hips again can cause lower back  or knee pain. By updating your Gotta Joga application now to version 3.4.1, you gain access to our new yoga program, “Hip Openers”. We have… Read More

gotta joga yoga app apple iphone evening meditation sleep well

Après une longue journée de travail, pour beaucoup d’entre nous, le « travail » continue à la maison : faire à manger, faire le ménage, s’occuper des enfants, etc. Et quand il est finalement l’heure d’aller au lit, nous n’arrivons pas à nous endormir, parce que nous pensons encore à tout ce qui s’est passé… Read More

gotta joga yoga app apple iphone evening meditation sleep well

Nach einem langen Arbeitstag geht für die meisten von uns der Abend mit verschiedenen Aufgaben zu Hause weiter: Kochen, Putzen, Kinder betreuen usw. Und wenn es dann endlich Zeit ist, ins Bett zu fallen, können wir nicht einschlafen, weil all die Dinge, die während des Tages passiert sind, noch in unserem Kopf rumoren. Gotta Joga… Read More

gotta joga yoga app apple iphone evening meditation sleep well

Pitkän työpäivän jälkeen, meillä monilla päivä jatkuu kotona erilaisten askareiden parissa: ruoanlaitossa, siivoamisessa, lastenhoidossa jne. Ja kun on vihdoin aika mennä nukkumaan, unen saanti on vaikeaa, koska päivän tapahtumat pyörivät yhä ajatuksissa. Gotta Jogan Ilta Jooga Harjoitus “Rento ja Maadoitettu” Gotta Jogan Ilta jooga harjoitukset rauhoittavat ruumiin ja mielen. Ne sisältävät istuvia ja makaavia kiertoliikkeitä… Read More

gotta joga yoga app apple iphone evening meditation sleep well

After a long day at work, for many people, the day continues with different tasks at home: cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, etc. And, when it is finally time to go to bed, you can’t get any sleep, because all the things that happened during the day, still are lodging in your head.… Read More

During the last few months, we have received many yoga pictures from you, dear users of Gotta Joga app, our fans from Instagram and Facebook as well as ourselves the makers of Gotta Joga. Hope that you had great vacations and feel your batteries loaded and mind rested for the months to come! In this to share some… Read More

gotta joga tanktop summer 2016

EN: Gotta Joga Summer 🍦 COMPETITION  Win one of 5 tank tops! Try your luck to win a Gotta Joga tank top 👚. To participate, post this picture in Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, identify @gottajoga and put the #competitiongottajoga. Remember to follow us 🍍. (Or if you wish, you can post a picture of your choice, but don’t… Read More

gotta joga yoga app psychologies magazine

A l’occasion de la sortie du hors-série du magazine Psychologies sur le yoga, Gotta Joga et Psychologies s’associent afin de vous offrir une expérience du yoga encore plus riche. Au cours de cette collaboration, nous avons le plaisir de vous fournir des articles de Psychologies autour du yoga. Ceux-ci seront accessibles dans l’application à la… Read More