Ever been in Lapland? Reindeers are a common view on the road anywhere north of the polar circle. They might appear as wild, running around in in big groups. Actually reindeers are domestic animals, even if not very tame, that are all marked on their ear indicating the owner. Twice a year the reindeer are… Read More
A dear child has many names. So does snow in the Finnish language. Early snowing coming in October in the southern parts of the country and staying until the end of April makes snow a welcome and light companion for the dark part of the year. We found this infographic from 9gag.com (http://9gag.com/gag/aYpEQw2/finnish-snow-guide-finnish-language-have-more-words-to-describe-different-kinds-of-snow-than-the-eskimos). Lumi and Pyry… Read More
Winter lasts almost 6 months in Scandinavia. First snow falls often in October and stays until beginning of May. We have been innovative to make these long cold and dark months fun and staying happy until the lighter season reveals the nature and our true nature. What is Winter SAD? Winter SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).… Read More