Hygge is an almost untranslatable term pronounced “hüghe”.  The term “hygge” is of uncertain origin: some claim it comes from the English hug, but most common thinking is that it comes from a Norwegian dialect, and means “to be well”. To feel good about yourself and pamper yourself with the things that make you feel happy.


With Christmas approaching and with us all experiencing a particularly difficult time due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we think it is very important to look what Hygge moments are in our daily lives:

Hygge is lighting candles to create a relaxing atmosphere and cuddling up on the sofa with loved ones watching a movie,



Hygge is cooking some traditional dishes together in the family,

Hygge is taking time for yourself and dedicating yourself to your passions such as yoga and meditation,

Hygge is decorating the house and making it cosy for the Christmas holidays,

Hygge is reading a nice book while sipping a hot drink,

Hygge is about rediscovering nature by taking long walks in uncrowded places to stay away from the noise of the city,

Hygge is presence, being here and now, appreciating every moment and the people who share it with us.


The Gotta Joga Team

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