International Mother Language Day has been observed every year since February 21st 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. It remembers events such as the killing of four students on February 21, 1952, because they campaigned to officially use their mother language, Bengali, in Bangladesh.
The aim is to develop fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on understanding, tolerance, and dialogue.
On International Mother Language Day UNESCO and UN agencies encourage people to maintain their knowledge of their mother language while learning and using more than one language. Governments and non-governmental organizations may use the day to announce policies to encourage language learning and support.
In our own small way, we at Gotta Joga believe in practising yoga in our own language and this is the reason why we put a lot of effort in delivering all of our classes in 4 different languages to allow you being confident during your yoga practise with the Gotta Joga App. Nice to know is that we have 58% of our users in French language, 20% in German, 12% in Italian and 10% in English.
Do you have a favorite proverb in your mother tongue?
To celebrate International Mother Language Day 2020, we invite you to send us your favorite proverb in your mother tongue on the following topics: peace, harmony, mindfulness, well-being.
We will offer 2 6-month subscriptions to the Gotta Joga app. The 2 winners will be chosen by random draw from among those who send in a proverb. We will also publish a selection of all the proverbs.
Please share your favorite proverb by:
-commenting on this post
-sending an e-mail to
One of our favourite sentences we’d like to share with you is:
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life”. (Virginia Woolf)
Un esprit sain dans un corps sain.
Merci Bruno !
Gdyby każdy miał to samo , nikt nikomu nie byłby potrzebny – Twardowski „ if everyone had the same thing, no one would need anyone “
Thank you Monika!
Etre en bonne harmonie avec soi-même c’est travailler à une meilleure harmonie dans le monde.
Merci !
Think once, think twice, think light
Thank you Samantha!
Jamaica no problem!
Take it easy, relax, slow down, don’t sweat it, no worries, be happy, live laugh love! “Jamaica no problem” kind of means all that, Jamaican style: IRIE, meaning no problem, or “no problems here, man”
Thank you Michelle!